Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Barthel research group,  Duke Physics
condensed matter theory and numerics

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Recent talks.
  • Multi-scale entanglement renormalization methods for classical and quantum computers -- Ann Arbor 11/2024
  • Criticality, phase transitions, and irreducibilty in open quantum many-body systems -- Dortmund 10/2024, East Lansing MI 11/2024
  • Strongly-correlated quantum many-body systems and stochastic network dynamics -- Duisburg 10/2024
  • Multi-scale entanglement renormalization methods for classical and quantum computers -- Seattle 09/2024
  • New quantum-inspired tools for the simulation of stochastic dynamics on networks -- Los Alamos NM 08/2024
  • Variational quantum algorithm for quantum matter using Trotterized entanglement renormalization -- Jülich 06/2024
  • Criticality, phase transitions, and irreducibilty in open quantum many-body systems -- Cologne 06/2024
  • Tensor networks with CP-rank constraints and tensor dropout -- New York 04/2024, Turin 06/2024
  • Tensor network state simulations and entanglement in quantum matter -- Stony Brook NY 04/2024
  • Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized entanglement renormalization -- Seattle 01/2024, Los Angeles 02/2024, Upton NY 04/2024, Munich 04/2024
  • Isometric tensor network optimization for finite-range interactions is free of barren plateaus -- Lake Arrowhead CA 12/2023
  • Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized entanglement renormalization -- Durham NC 10/2023
  • Quantum simulation of condensed matter using Trotterized tensor networks -- Madrid 06/2023, Jena 09/2023, Dresden 09/2023
  • Tensor network states for the simulation of quantum matter -- Lake Arrowhead CA 12/2022
  • Absence of barren plateaus and scaling of energy gradients in the optimization of isometric tensor network states -- Lake Arrowhead CA 12/2022
  • Tensor networks with low-rank tensors -- Lake Arrowhead CA 12/2022
  • Criticality and phase transitions in open quantum many-body systems -- Chapel Hill NC 09/2022
  • Lectures: Classical methods for simulating quantum matter -- Durham NC 08/2022
  • On the closedness and geometry of tensor network state sets -- Ghent 06/2022
  • Criticality and phase transitions in open quantum many-body systems -- Ljubljana 04/2022, Dresden 05/2022, Aachen 05/2022, Saclay 06/2022
  • Crossover functions for entanglement entropy in many-body energy eigenstates and universality -- Charlottesville 12/2021, Orsay 07/2022
  • On the closedness and geometry of tensor network state sets -- Los Angeles 05/2021, Copenhagen 09/2021
  • Entanglement and tensor truncations in matrix product state simulations -- Bilbao 05/2021
  • Lectures: Introduction to tensor-network simulations of quantum many-body systems -- Los Angeles 03/2021
  • Tensor-network simulations of quantum matter and entanglement -- College Station TX 02/2021
  • Super-operator structures and no-go theorems for dissipative quantum phase transitions -- Durham NC 12/2020, APS meeting 03/2021
  • Entanglement entropy of energy eigenstates follows a universal scaling function -- University Park PA 11/2020, Trieste 11/2020, Lexington KY 11/2020, Amsterdam 11/2020
  • Eigenstate entanglement crossover from the ground state to volume laws -- Durham NC 05/2020
  • Quantum computation for condensed matter problems -- Durham NC 11/2019
  • Entanglement in quantum matter and tensor-network simulations -- Greenville NC 10/2019
  • Many-body entanglement scaling: Crossover from the ground state to volume laws -- Prague 06/2019, Magdeburg 06/2019
  • Crossover of eigenstate entanglement from groundstate to extensive scaling -- Minsk 05/2019, Dresden 06/2019
  • Fundamental limitations for measurements in quantum many-body systems -- Durham NC 02/2019, Boston 03/2019, Minsk 05/2019, Heidelberg 05/2019, Frankfurt am Main 05/2019, Halle 06/2019
  • Exploring quantum matter with tensor networks and quantum computers -- Aachen 02/2019, Collogne 05/2019
  • Dynamics of quantum many-body systems using tensor network states -- College Park MD 06/2018
  • Classical simulation of quantum matter and its limits -- Durham NC 05/2018
  • Fractal structures in the phase diagram of the honeycomb-lattice quantum dimer model -- Durham NC 12/2017
  • Typical 1d quantum systems at finite temperatures can be simulated efficiently on classical computers -- Minsk 11/2017, Cambridge MA 11/2017, Benasque 02/2018, Los Angeles 03/2018
  • Entanglement and computational complexity for 1D quantum systems at finite temperatures -- Munich 06/2017, Orsay 07/2017, Paris 07/2017
  • Entanglement and computational complexity for 1D quantum many-body systems -- Durham NC 03/2017, Wilmington 04/2017
  • A novel matrix product algorithm for stochastic dynamics on networks -- Baltimore 03/2016
  • Accurate T>0 response functions for strongly-correlated quasi-1D systems using DMRG -- Durham NC 09/2015
  • Devil's staircase in a quantum dimer model on the hexagonal lattice -- Aachen 05/2015, Göttingen 06/2015
  • Strongly-correlated systems at finite T: METTS versus purifications -- Berlin 03/2015,
  • Quantum dimers on the honeycomb lattice, phase diagram with devil's staircase -- Berlin 03/2015,
  • Finite-temperature DMRG simulations of the Bose-Hubbard model -- Palaiseau 01/2015


Course webpages.

have a nice day!